Highlight on Marci Segal
Marci Segal, 2001 Graduate of ICSC, has been:
1.) Working with NASA Langley Research
Center's innovation team to help them develop innovation program to use throughout
the organization. She recently presented a keynote presentation, "Winning with
Innovation" to a group of 200 scientists, engineers and technologists to inspire
their new thinking.
Read more about Marci on her websites: http://www.marcisegal.com and
2) Presented a day-long workshop, Language to Leverage Creative
Thinking, for police officers advancing their command careers at the
Peace Officer Standards and Training Command College in California.
Have been written into their program as an adjunct instructor.
3) A longstanding client recently won Media Agency of the Year from
Strategy Magazine. In the article, attached, they site our program,
Passport to Innovation, as a catalyst for sparking and sustaining
their creativity.
4) Recent blog-post went viral! Entitled "Intellectual Hide-and-Seek
taught at schools" it reveals research from Ron Beghetto at the
University of Oregon. This post alone received close to 3500 hits.
simply awesome!