Monday, April 11, 2011

Give for Greatness

This video clip highlights work Cathy Skora is doing in the field of art education utilizing the creative process in teaching and learning. The clip shows portions of a rehearsal process for a 4th grad class involved in a school-wide project entitled Welcome to the Village conceived and developed by Cathy Skora.

In this project Cathy uses brainstorming and other action based teaching and learning methods to facilitate students in a script building process with a theme on global conservation. Students also use their creativity as via dance brainstorms in putting together a dance. The program culminates with school wide presentations of the work at venues outside of the school allowing students a varied experience in presenting their work in different environments.

This program was recognized and funded in part by the New York State Council on the Arts

from linked:

Dance Teacher - Arts Integration Facilitator Develop programming for grades K-6 focusing on cultural dance according to NYS art standards, develop lesson plans that align with core curriculum, using creativity training facilitate students in learning movement and script writing. Certified in Dance Content by NYSED.

<> Workshop Facilitator, Trainer Folkloric Productions Dance Co., Inc. Workshop Leader

My lifelong studies of dance and meditation have led me on an interesting journey. This journey has included developing techniques to assist others in enhancing their lives professionally and personally. Working in a variety of settings from education to special need populations has allowed me to tap into the creative process by identifying and connecting common denominators among different groups, such as movement and emotion , in order to assist others in moving past barriers in order to enhance their lives.

Workshops I have developed focus on techniques for personal development , discovery, and awareness of personal potential. My current studies as a graduate student in the Creative Studies Department at the State University College at Buffalo is a natural progression towards the development of layering and identifying further personal development workshops utilizing movement and meditation to access the creative process,

My career path has been an incredible journey full of renovations, realizations, and reinventions. It is my pleasure to share my insights and assist others in connecting with their potential.